What to look for when buying a camera


What to look for when buying a camera

What to look for when buying a camera. Should you get a mirrorless camera, a digital camera or a phone with a good camera? Terms like aperture, lenses, f-stop, aperture, crop sensors and more explained in simple terms.


New puppy owner, read here for a confident & balanced dog!


New puppy owner, read here for a confident & balanced dog!

You have (or are getting) a new puppy. Congratulations!!!! Now don’t mess up this perfect little bundle. You’re completely overwhelmed with how to treat him to mold him/ her into the perfectly model dog citizen everyone would like to say hi to at the cafe.

I’m a dog photographer, so I work with a lot of dogs, have my own little (someitmes naughty ;-) I’m not perfect) puppy too and am telling you where to focus your efforts for the best possible outcome.
